RESULTS 1/11/99
Interviewed Rick Flair. He said he had a couple of
surprises for Henning & Whindam at Sold
Out. He said Hogan is champion and he can't do anything about it. He had good news and bad
for Hogan. Good news he is the champion. Bad news he works for Flair now & has to
defend the title at Superbrawl Feb. 21, 1999. Flair then said Hogan was under contract
until 2001. Flair then called out J. J. Dillion and said he had his job back as chairman
of WCW. Flair then called out the LWO and told them he knows what Bischoff did to them and
said if they took the shirts off and jump on the WCW bandwagon he promises money, cars
& woman. Everybody but Rey MasteroJr., took off their shirts. Flair then announced
that he was fighting Henning tonight.
Showed the NWO beating up the LWO last week.
Interviewed Saturn. He had a hard act to follow
... Flair. Saturn said he was screwed by Jericho and Dickerson. He said he wanted a
rematch with Jericho. Jericho came out w/ Ralpus. Jericho said Saturn was crying like a
school girl and should wear a dress. Jericho said he would give a rematch to Saturn but if
Saturn looses he has to wear a dress for the rest of his wrestling career. Saturn
accepted. Jericho said he didn't have the legs for it.
Saturn Vs The Cat w/ Sonny Ono
Saturn took control early, as soon as The Cat came into the ring. Dickerson is the ref.
The Cat took control. Saturn then nailed The Cat w/ an off the rope splash. Saturn went
for a pin and Dickerson turned and started talking to Ono. Jericho came in and hit Saturn
with a shovel. Dickerson then DQed Saturn and gave the match to The Cat. Jericho the got a
dress and placed it over Saturn. The Cat wins.
Nitro Girls danced
Showed what happened to Bisschoff last week in
Flair's office. Flair took Bisschoff's parking spot and changed his pass card to get in
the building. Bisschoff couldn't get into his office. Bisschoff said he had nothing to do
with Nash and Hogan last week. Flair gave Eric all his stuff from his office. Then walked
outside w/ Eric and showed him that he will now travel in the truck that has the mat in it
and will now set up the mat for all events.
Mean Gene came out w/ a cake for Chavo he said it
was his birthday. Chavo came out and said it was Pepe's birthday and he had a rough time
the last couple of weeks. Norman Smily came out and said he was upset he was not invited
to Pepe party. He said he wanted to makeup w/ Pepe. Chavo wouldn't shake his hand. Smily
beat up Chavo and pushed Chavo in the cake. Chavo was covered in cake. Smily then walked
out w/ Pepe. Smily walked w/ Pepe out to the back and threw him in a shredder.
Showed Raven at home. Raven was playing backgammon
w/ James (Sandman). James said he should get rid of Kanyon like he did Saturn. Raven was
looking at pictures of Piper.
Showed the Wolfpac coming in a black limo with
tons of Hell's Angels on bikes. Hogan told the back & white they were to meet them at
the hotel. Hogan came in the ring followed by the black & white. The ring was
surrounded by Hells Angels from every state. Hogan said he would fight anybody any night
from WCW. Nash said he was the true Giant. Stinner then said he was taking on DDP. He said
he was going to take his wife and show her a real man.
Rey Mastero, Jr. Vs Kaz Hayabasi
Rey came out w/ a LWO shirt on. Both men started off good. A quick high flying match. Rey
went over the tope rope onto Kaz that was on the ground. Lex came out and knocked Kaz. Lex
them went to Rey and told him to take off the shirt. Rey said no. Lex hit him and tore the
shirt off him and threw him out of the ring. Rey came back in and dropkicked Rey. Lex then
racked him. Konnan came down. Konnan asked "what's up"? The rest of the NWO came
down. Nash said "Let me speak on this" and everybody beat up Konnan. Hall
shocked Konnan with the cattle prog. Fans chanted "We want Sting." Konnan was
spray painted.
Interviewed The Giant. Giant said that he was
suckered by savage. He said he had it with Hogan. He is fighting Nash just to kick his ass
and then he is coming after the rest of the NWO. He said he was the one true Giant.
Lenny Lane Vs Booker T.
Booker T took control early. Lane had brief moments of control. Booker had some good high
ropes action. Lane got caught by the side kick and got pinned. Booker T. wins
Showed Hogan & Nash talking about their match.
It was really funny
Scott Stinner w/ Bagwell Vs Diamond Dallas Page
Rick went out to the crowd and called the men rednecks and let a girl touch his abs. Buff
got on the mic and told everybody to stop chanting DDP. Scott out powered DDP but DDP took
control of Stinner. Buff got in to the ring. DDP took them both on. Stinner took control
from then on. Buff then got on the mic and make fun of the people chanting DDP. Both men
gave their all.DDP went for the diamond cutter. Vincent came in. Page clothlined the ref.
DDP got the Diamond cutter. Buff threw powder in page's eyes. Stinner hit Page with a
chair. Stinner gave Page the Stinner Recliner. Page was knocked out. The ref gave the
match to Stinner. Page didn't answer the ref.
Showed Goldberg saying he earned an education in
wrestling from Nash. He also said that will never happen again.
Showed Bisschoff setting up the ring.
Showed Goldberg at Starcade and last week on Nitro
Scott Hall Vs Bam Bam Bigelow
Hall asked if everybody wanted to see Goldberg get schocked one more time. Bam Bam over
powered Hall. Bigelow as improved as a wrestler. Disco came w/ a stun gun. Wrath comes
down and hits Bigelow. Disco gave hall the gun and shocks Bigelow. Hall pinnes Bigelow and
laves w/ Disco.
Showed Goldberg saying he wasn't impressed with
Nash and Hall called them loosers. He said he was surprised by Luger. He then said class
starts Sunday at Sold Out.
Rick Flair Vs Curt Hennig
Rick got a couple of good slaps on Henning. Flair took control early. Whindam came down.
David Flair came down also. Both stood at ringside. Flair was thrown off the top rope.
Flair gave Henning a couple of low blows. Flair locks on the figure 4 leg lock. Whindam
jumped in and David flair triped up Henning and Whindam. David throws in a chair.Flair
The Giant Vs Nash w/ Scott Hall
Winner is the giant of the NWO
Giant took control early. Nash got some good hits in. Nash and hall double teamed the
Giant, Hall outside the ring, Kevin inside the ring. Giant went down to the ground. Nash
slams the Giant. Giant came back. Took on both Nash & Hall in the ring and squashed
them in the corner. Giant chockslamed Hall. Nash hit the Giant with a wrench. Nash pinns
the Giant. The NWO comes out. Hall Shockes the Giant w/ the stun gun. Everybody takes
turns spraypainting the Giant. Bisschoff says Kevin Nash is the NWO corparate giant
