Raw Results
From Houston, TX Dx starts the show introducing the new WWF
champion MANKIND. Owen Hart and Jeff jarrett defeat New Age outlaws in a match where the winners would be the #1 contenders for the tag team Titles. During the match, Debra McMichaels tries to distract The Outlaws with her sexy flaunts. The distraction works when Debra teases Chyna. Chyna wacks Debra after the match. Luna defeats GILBERT. The WWF acted out a Goldberg skit with Dwane Gill imitating Goldberg. He actually did very good at it. I think it is a great way for the WWF to get back at WCW for Schiavone comments. Face it WCW, you're losing in the ratings. After the commercial break, they show Dennis Knight talking to Cole and Lawler about "the one". the Acoyles then come out and take Knight back to the dressing room. Val venis comes down to ringside. Before his match, he flirts with a girl at ringside. Ken Shamrock comes running down and attacks Venis. Shamrock yells at him not to talk to his sister. After the beatin' he gives Val, Billy Gunn comes down to the ring and moons Shamrock's sister. Shamrock then goes after Gunn. Shamrock then challenges Gunn to a Intercontinental title match at Royal Rumble. Xpac defeats Al Snow when Goldust wacks Snow with head while the ref wasn't lookin' Kane defeated mankind by DQ when The Rock interfered. Good match, the Rock jumps in and gives both Kane and Mankind great chair shots. Steve Austin then comes out, and The Compaq center just went crazy, (I wish I was there to see it). the Rock flees the ring. mankind gives the chair to Austin, Austin , in return stunns Mankind, and Kane. then goes after The Rock who runs into the dressing room. Triple H defeated Edge. The Brood attacks Triple H and then the lights go out. After the lights go on, Road dog is covered in blood. The long awaited return of the Undertaker. they had the Acolytes watching over Dennis Knight who was laying on a platform. the Undertaker came out and sat on a chair. He tried to lip syinch a speech that was pipped in. He was screwing that up. The speech was very drawn out and afterwards he got up and walked over to Dennis Knight. He grabbed a knive from Paul Bearer and started to cut his wrist. The blood started to pour out as he caught it into a gaunlet. He them had Knight drink it. He then carved the Undertaker symbol into Knights chest. A bolt of lightning shot down and struck an undertaker symbol and caught it on fire. VERY POORLY DONE. D lo Brown and Mark Henry were suppose to have a match, Terry gave a low blow to Henry before the match . Chyna and her friend came down to help Henry to the back They show Shane Mcmahon training Vince for the Royal rumble The Corporate Rumble was next.The first two were Shamrock and Gunn. Shamrock eliminates himself when he jumps over the top rope to attack Gunn. Bossman was the next in , then Edge, Gunn is eliminated, Xpac comes in next, Road dog is next, then Kane, Road do is eliminated by Kane, triple H comes in for the last entry. Kane and Xpac are eliminated. Bossman and Triple H are the last in the ring, but Vince McMahon comes down to the ring. He eliminated Bossman and Triple H. Vince is the winner,,,,,,Chyna then comes down and eliminated McMahon while Steve Austin distracts McMahon. |